Overcoming Dental Anxiety


Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Your Comfort is Our Priority at Meridian

If you’re feeling anxious about visiting the dentist, you’re not alone. Studies reveal that over 80% of Americans experience some level of dental anxiety or phobia. When this anxiety leads to delaying or avoiding dental care, it can create a cycle of pain, health issues, and more complex, costly treatments.

At Meridian, we understand that dental visits can be daunting. Our goal is to ensure every patient, regardless of their anxiety level, feels comfortable and leaves with a healthy, radiant smile. We understand reducing anxiety can lead to more comfortable treatment, faster healing, and better outcomes.  Here’s how we can help make your visit more pleasant and stress-free:

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can show up in many forms, including:

  • Heart palpitations
  • Panic attacks
  • Increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Sweating
  • Crying
  • Avoidance of place or situation

While we can’t completely remove your anxiety, we have a range of comfort perks designed to make your experience as smooth and positive as possible.

Comfort and Compassion at Meridian

  • Sleep Dentistry: For those with severe anxiety, we offer sleep dentistry options such as oral sedation (a pill taken before a visit) or IV sedation.  We also have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help you feel relaxed during your visit. Talk to us about which customized option is best for you.
  • Calm Environment: Our office is designed to be a peaceful space where you can feel at ease with a more tranquil, non-clinical atmosphere.  Think spa or coffee-shop vibe vs. a medical clinic.  Enjoy lavender scents, a soothing nature show with noise-canceling headphones and acoustically designed rooms to help you relax.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Techniques like focused breathing and meditation can help manage anxiety. We encourage you to use these methods during your appointment if it would help.
  • Personal Comfort: If fidgeting helps you feel more at ease, consider bringing a stress ball or other stress-relief items. If weighted blankets provide comfort, we use an x-ray shield along with a comfort blanket to mimic that soothing effect.
  • Support from Loved Ones: If it helps, you’re welcome to bring a trusted family member or friend to your examination and care presentation appointment.
  • Effective Communication: Share your concerns with us before your appointment. We’re here to listen and will work with you to ensure your personalized visit is as comfortable as possible. Feel free to ask questions about what to expect and let us know if you need to take a break during the visit.

Your Comfort is Our Priority

No matter how long it’s been since your last visit, we are here to support you without any judgment. Our focus is on helping you overcome anxiety and achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

If you have any questions or want to discuss options for managing dental anxiety, please reach out to us. We’re committed to making your dental experience at Meridian as pleasant and stress-free as possible.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Let us help you take the first step towards a more comfortable and confident smile.

The Meridian Team